Taking Care of Your Car Keeps You Safe

Taking Care of Your Car Keeps You Safe

  • Tips For When The At-Fault Accident Party Is Unresponsive

    Nobody likes to deal with the aftermath of a car accident. But when you are the victim of the car accident and the other party isn't being very cooperative, things get even tougher. Here are some tips on how to deal with this situation without losing your sanity. Hire an Accident Attorney First of all, hire a car accident attorney. The attorney will take the lead on contacting insurers, providing you with next steps to take, and creating a demand letter for the insurance company.

  • Just Bought Your First Pickup Truck? 3 Aftermarket Truck Parts That Are Very Popular

    If you finally decided to trade in your car for that pickup truck you have always dreamed of owning, then you are likely enjoying your brand-new driving experience. Pickup trucks are handy, versatile automobiles, which is why they are so popular. Many pickup truck drivers equip their trucks with aftermarket truck parts to customize their trucks' appearance, performance, and even make them more versatile.  Read on to learn about 3 popular aftermarket truck parts and their unique benefits.

  • A Few Tips On Fitting Your New Rims To Your Driving & Style Preferences

    Here are a few tips that will help you determine what adjustments you need to make and what types of rims you need to purchase in order to achieve your desired driving and style preferences. #1 Cool Look If you are just after a cool look, and want to change how your car looks but don't really want to chance how your vehicle drives, getting the right pair of rims should be relatively simple.

  • Safety Upgrades To Look For When Shopping For A Semi

    Deciding to be an owner-operator of your own long-haul trucking business is a huge decision to make. Being an owner-operator can be risky due to the multi-billion dollar problem of cargo theft, particularly when parked while en route. Research shows that stationary and unattended trucks accounted for 90% of stolen cargo in 2014. Here are several things to consider.  GPS and geofencing technology in your semi and trailer Sometimes, you simply need to get out of and away from your semi, whether to attend to matters in the restroom, to grab a bite to eat, or to get a haircut.

  • About Me

    Taking Care of Your Car Keeps You Safe

    When I was a teenager, my dad taught me to care for my car well. After I grew up and started a family of my own, I taught my teenager how to take care of his car, and I thought he was listening to everything I said. One day, he told me his car was "acting funny" and asked me to take a look at it. I asked him when he last changed the oil. He then told me that he had never changed it after he bought the car almost two years before! I am very grateful his lack of car maintenance did not get him injured, but it could have. I know there are a lot of other young people out there who neglect their cars, so I decided to make a blog to share auto tips and help everyone stay safer on the road!
