Taking Care of Your Car Keeps You Safe

Taking Care of Your Car Keeps You Safe

  • Why Do You Need a Four-Wheel Alignment?

    Many shops advertise four-wheel alignments as part of their routine maintenance options, but why is this service critical on many modern vehicles? If you're old enough to remember when classic cars weren't so classic, then you might also remember when you didn't need more than a two-wheel alignment. So, what's changed in the modern automotive world? The answer relates to how manufacturers design the rear suspensions on most of their vehicles.

About Me

Taking Care of Your Car Keeps You Safe

When I was a teenager, my dad taught me to care for my car well. After I grew up and started a family of my own, I taught my teenager how to take care of his car, and I thought he was listening to everything I said. One day, he told me his car was "acting funny" and asked me to take a look at it. I asked him when he last changed the oil. He then told me that he had never changed it after he bought the car almost two years before! I am very grateful his lack of car maintenance did not get him injured, but it could have. I know there are a lot of other young people out there who neglect their cars, so I decided to make a blog to share auto tips and help everyone stay safer on the road!
